BIG ONES #1: Benh Zeitlin

BIG ONES: A little article-series, where I feature a very special breed of human beings who influenced myself and the way I work. I will present their personalities, stories and projects to spread their fire. Analyzes and filmmaking advices are included. It’s gonna inspire the shit out of you. Or not… At least watch the trailers man.

Benh Zeitlin – writer, director and composer, based in the heart of Louisiana: New Orleans. The 37-year-old got famous for one of my all-time-favorite films: „Beasts of the Southern Wild“ in 2012. The movie brought him 4 Academy Award nominations and the grand jury price of the reputable Sundance Film Festival. Before his big bang he shot some pretty legit low budget shortfilms, but only one matters for this story: 2008 released „Glory at Sea“. It set the foundation for his vocational upcoming decade and marked his heartbreaking, wild and uplifting style of filmmaking.

Already in 2008 Zeitlin figured out a formula which truly enchants you and delivers an unmatched authenticity. In my eyes he uses three key elements to reach that: people, music and roughness. Let me go through them for a minute.

1. People:

I call this point „people“ purposely. The actors he casts, seem mostly like ordinary folks. Surprise: Most of them are exactly that with no or very little acting experience. You get something from their faces which you can’t feign or fake, you get unfiltered realness. In „Beasts of the Southern Wild“ for example he gave the confectioner from the neighborhood bakery a main role. He often does that to keep originality in his movies. The cast members look & act like they belong there. Like they are actually existing. When your film achieves that, you did a fu*kin‘ good job. Don’t get me wrong here: I don’t say that actors are not necessary, but it’s an amazing method, especially for low budget projects, to safe money and to create authentic characters. 2 birds with one stone.

2. Music: 

Next to directing Zeitlin works as a composer. Together with musician Dan Romer, who did the soundtrack for AAA projects like „Far Cry 5“ or Netflix’s „Beasts of No Nation“, he managed to create a sound image which combines the typical New Orleans jambalayan march style (drums, trumpets) with wild and heartbreaking melodies. It often goes from 0 to 100 in seconds, which delivers power and astonishment. When you compare the three listed trailers of this article, you’ll find equalities of the sound. Equalities aren’t bad in this case. First: When you found your style, the audience will remember your kind of film music and connect it to you. Recognition is an essential key element to expand your name as a filmmaker or whatever you want to do in life. Second: When you stick to a certain type of music, the chances are high that you will master the deployment and the implementation of it.

3. Roughness: 

A quivering and shaky camera operation, close-ups & dirt. The roughness of Zeitlins movies makes you feel them like an intense dream at night. Not only a pleasant indie-look is created, the scenes look dynamic & alive. Deep wrinkles, mud, sweat, dirty animals, rotten food… A combination we normally don’t see in classic cinema. Guess what: The time of smoothed out movies is running out. This represents the reality way more than boring beauty. So let’s be real and embrace the wild and uncomfortable. Again: Authenticity rocks.

„When you’re

a small piece

of a big puzzle,

you gotta fix

what you can.“

And now, 8 years later, there is something coming. More budget, more attention, but same attitude. Wildness, loudness, youth and a whole lot of water. When you watch these three trailers in a row, you’ll see progress. You’ll see a remarkable distinctive style, which took Zeitlin decades to master. 2020’s „Wendy“ is a blueprint of magical realism which grew out of his past odysseys. It’s a succeeded result when you stay true to your style.

When you hunt your own perfection and not the satisfaction of the mainstream, something meaningful arises. Benh Zeitlin proofed that one more time.

A life’s work of a big one.

  • Frank Mir
    März 30, 2020Antworten

    Words of wisdom Max!!!! Love it 😊😊

    • Maximilian Becker
      März 30, 2020Antworten

      Glad you like it, Frank! Let’s have a beer soon!

  • Felix
    Juli 30, 2020Antworten

    Following your work since day 1. So amazing what you have become!!! Would recommend you any time!

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